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Boudoir for Kabit at Sabit 2019 |

Load na Dito Projects

Boudoir: “A woman’s dressing room, bedroom, or private siting room”


The work is an installation that includes a short performance in the morning and in the evening. It intended to take a private setting into a public space, as well as to re-purpose discards, old objects and furniture that are no longer in use.


The installation set up outside the artist’s house, consisted of an old dressing table (adorned with objects from her own dressing table and discarded belongings of other women in the household—objects such as facial care products, napkins, jewelry box, stuffed toys, clothes, etc.) as well as an old door from the artist’s house.


The performance enacted private moments that occur in a boudoir, a glimpse into the artist’s life as well as the life of the other women in the household who have at one point or another used the dressing table.


Viewers were welcome to interact with the installation however they wished. 

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